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  1. Dec

    The Globe Bar

    It started with a kiss

    After arriving home after spending a few years in Italy, Eoin meets Caoimhe in the Globe Bar. Eoin was late; Caoimhe nearly didn't come. But they met, chatted and the night ended with a kiss!

  2. April

    Tinakilly House

    Sleeping beauty...

    One of Caoimhe's friends is getting married and Eoin and Caoimhe go to their first wedding together. Eoin drives down and meets all of Caoimhe's friends. Around 10pm, he suggests to head back to the room and ends up falling asleep. Caoimhe later discovers from Eoin's friends that he has a bad habit of going to sleep on nights out.....

  3. May


    Our first trip away

    Eoin suggests a trip away and unsurprisingly picks Italy ! It rains the entire weekend but they still have a great time visiting Pompeii, historical sites and touring the city. Eoin fills the rest of the time eating pizza !

  4. Dec


    Ireland's #1 City

    Eoin makes his second trip to Kilkenny city. He gets a guided tour of all the main sites including the Castle, medieval streets and the two Dunnes Stores ! He learns that it's a big no-no to refer to Kilkenny as a town....

  5. Feb


    Our first long haul trip

    Caoimhe and Eoin head on their first long haul flight. They pick Japan ! Caoimhe is a big fan of the food, transport and general cleaniness. She also ends up teaching the Japanese how to make English Breakfast Tea. On they way back their flights get delayed; Eoin ends up showing Caoimhe how he likes to run through airports.....

  6. Feb

    Ardmore Avenue

    Moving in !

    Caoimhe moves in ! (Just in time for what comes next)

  7. March

    Ardmore Avenue

    Stay at Home

    Covid-19 hits, however Caoimhe and Eoin are lucky to have each other. Caoimhe perfects her Sunday roasts...Eoin ups his cocktail game and gets lots of practice making cocktails for each other. Most importantly the couple realise they are lucky to have each other.

  8. Summer

    Holidays in Ireland

    Swimming in the sea

    Holidays this year is a staycation in Ireland but Caoimhe and Eoin have a great time in Kerry, Cork and Waterford. Lots of sea swimming is done (even more next year) and the couple have a great time driving around the country.

  9. July &

    Lisbon & Rome

    Overseas again

    After a few false starts, the couple squeeze in a few trips overseas between the Covid lockdowns. They go to Lisbon where Eoin insists on eating 5 pastel de natas a day. In Rome, they visit the Colosseum, Vatican and the Roman Forum. Caoimhe also manages to squeeze in some shopping !

  10. Dec

    Adare Manor

    Will you marry me !?

    Caoimhe manages to get a great deal on a mini-break in Adare Manor just before Christmas. Little does she know, Eoin has been planning an even bigger surprise. In what turns out to be an eventful trip, Caoimhe oversomes her surprise and says I do !